Here Are the Different Types of Dental Braces
How many types of dental braces are there? Can I choose any type that I want? We will answer these questions and more in this article.
Braces fix problems not only in terms of health but also in terms of appearance. The application of orthodontic braces, which is a medical intervention applied to correct the teeth of people with impaired tooth structure, has become very popular recently.
Orthodontic treatments offer different options due to various requirements. Choosing between braces is a choice made by the doctor and the patient together.
While the doctor offers the most appropriate options to the patient, the patient’s preference is also important.
Due to the braces, the teeth reach the correct alignment. Treatments that are started at an early age provide faster and easier results and prevent jaw and dental problems that may be encountered at later ages.
Different types of braces are good in different situations according to their structure and material.
The most important factor when choosing braces is the age and condition of the teeth. Different options must be considered not only for people with damaged tooth structure but also;
- People with split teeth,
- People with broken teeth,
- For those who have stenosis,
- This treatment is also applied to people with impaired jaw structure.
Types of Dental Braces
Metal Dental Braces

Types of dental braces – Those who want to get fast results and prefer affordable prices may choose metal braces.
One of the most commonly used braces in orthodontic treatment is metal ones. This type of dental brace, which is preferred due to its durability, usually provides early results.
The desired result can be achieved in an average of 2 years. If there are teeth that need to be extracted, palate problems, or a different problem, the duration and cost of the dental brace will increase.
The most used application in orthodontic treatment is metal wires. Metal braces, which have been used for many years, are more durable than all other types and are especially used in the treatment of children.
They are the most prominent because they are placed on the outside of the teeth and are metal. The fastest results are also obtained from metal braces.
The tires used to hold the wires between the braces can be chosen colored or transparent and are changed at each control.
Porcelain Dental Braces
Porcelain braces, which are preferred by those who care about their teeth in terms of aesthetics, are also known as transparent braces.
These braces are not as durable as metal dental braces. Depending on this situation, the treatment period may exceed 2 years.
Patients with aesthetic concerns especially prefer them. However, since they are sensitive, extra care needs to be taken for their care and is usually applied to adults.
Lingual Dental Braces
It is an application generally used by adults. It is placed inside the teeth for patients who do not want even transparent wires to be seen.
The acclimation process is longer than other applications. Depending on the adaptation process of the person, the treatment period starts from 2 years. The cost varies between straightforward and standard brands.
Plate Dental Treatment
This is one of the most comfortable types of braces. It is an application developed for patients who do not want to be involved in transparent, metal or lingual treatment, who completely refuse the brace treatment, and who have low-level ailments.
In this treatment, which can give good results if used regularly, the procedure varies depending on the stability of the person. If it is cleaned regularly, it does not lose its transparent appearance.
Transparent plates are almost invisible, offering an effortless and aesthetic treatment process to the patient. It is also very easy to clean the plates that can be easily attached and removed.
The transparent plates given by the doctors to the patient in series can be changed by the patient every two weeks, and by this means, the teeth are moved slowly and the desired shape is achieved.
Things to Remember

Types of dental braces – Things to consider about dental care
- An orthodontic treatment that will be seen at an early age for the developmental disorders in the teeth will both get you results faster and your teeth will have that perfect appearance without taking important steps in your life.
- Our teeth, which we often think are only useful for breaking down nutrients, are very important in daily life. Especially when communicating, the first thing that draws attention is our teeth.
- Early diagnosis is of great importance to protect our teeth. We should have an examination at the dentist for routine checks at least twice a year, and replace the toothbrushes we use every 6 months with new ones.
- Sometimes, doctor control and brush change are not enough. We should pay attention to the sugar content in the foods we consume and brush our teeth regularly.
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