Let’s Find Out the Types of Complete Dentures
Dental dentures are artificial teeth that are used to correct the teeth of people whose natural tooth structure has deteriorated or is completely missing.
Dentures not only benefit the health of the dental tissues but also provide an aesthetic appearance and provide artificial teeth to perform the functions of the natural teeth.
Today, dental dentures, which can be applied to individuals of all ages, aim to regain the lost chewing function and regain the lost facial aesthetics.
Causes of tooth loss include diseases in the gums that are not treated promptly and losses due to accidents.
The losses that occur due to these reasons can be treated with different types of dental dentures.
Tooth losses cause both aesthetic deterioration and speech and expression disorders. Dentures can provide psychological support to patients due to the elimination of such problems.
What Are The Types of Complete Dentures?
- Porcelain fixed dentures with or without metal support
- Immediate prostheses installed after tooth extraction
- Dentures made on natural tooth roots
- Full and partial removable dentures
- Prostheses made to eliminate soft and hard tissue losses on the chin and face
- Dentures are applied to people who have a habit of clenching or grinding teeth
Removable Dentures

Types of complete dentures – Removable dentures must be cleaned with a soft brush after each meal, and the dentures must be kept close to the washbasin to avoid any damage during washing.
These types of complete dentures are that allow the patient to attach and remove their dentures.
Removable dentures continue their functions by taking support from the soft tissues in the mouth as well as the intact teeth in the mouth.
Removable dentures can be made according to the needs of the patient and the number of missing teeth, as well as a type of dentures that can be made in cases where all teeth are missing.
Some patients have dentures made with support from their natural teeth and soft tissues. These types of dentures are called “removable partial dentures”.
In some patients, it is the case that all natural teeth have been lost, and “full dentures” are applied to such patients, which continues its function by only getting support from the gums and palate.
- Palate denture
- Teeth-supported full denture
- Implant-supported full denture
- Parcel (partial) dentures
- Acetal application
- Types such as precision dentures are types of removable dentures.
Fixed Dentures

Types of complete dentures – Fixed dentures should be brushed 3 times a day, cleaning the gaps with the help of dental floss slowly and from the gums to the tooth.
When fixed dentures, which are the most preferred type of dentures in tooth deficiencies, are used, some teeth in the mouth should be reduced to support the dentures.
Although this procedure is alarming for some patients, this concern is unfounded considering the many advantages of fixed dentures. Fixed dentures;
- Makes the chewing function easier
- Since the dentures support the lips and cheeks, it provides significant gains in facial aesthetics.
- Speaking defects are eliminated.
Fixed dentures, like other dentures types, are offered in different types according to the patient’s needs, aesthetic expectations, and economic conditions:
- Crown veneers
- Porcelain dentures with a metal substructure
- Zirconium-based porcelain dentures
- Reinforced porcelain (Empress)
- Full metal
- Bridge
New Generation Dental Dentures

Types of complete dentures – The most effective method of keeping almost all types of dentures constantly clean is to brush at least 3 times a day and keep them in a sterilizing chemical liquid several times a week.
Teeth are extremely important in terms of their contribution to the aesthetic appearance of the face, smile aesthetics and nourishment.
Types of dentures, which are made to eliminate the aesthetic and psychological concerns caused by the lost teeth, are made in different materials and shapes according to the needs of the patients.
Due to advancements in medical technology, many prosthesis options are offered, and dental implants attract attention as new generation prostheses.
Implant applications, which are called the All on Four technique, are preferred because of their easy application as well as giving natural appearance to the teeth of the patient.
Due to this technique, it is possible to fix teeth on four dental implants for completely edentulous patients.
Advantages of New Generation Dental Dentures
The All On Four technique, which has been successfully applied for many years, provides significant advantages to patients with dental problems.
Among the advantages of this highly reliable dental denture technique,
- Recovery time is very short
- Treatment needs fewer sessions
- Since there is no surgical procedure, it relieves the patient’s concerns in this direction
- Application time takes less time than other dentures
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