Tingling Sensation In The Teeth: Causes and Remedies
There are many reasons for tingling sensations in the teeth. Unfortunately, deterioration of the tooth structure and caries are the main causes of this problem.
So, are there home remedies or herbal solutions that can give you relief? Does the tingling go away on its own? Today we will talk about all this.
A tingling sensation in the teeth is defined as discomfort or slight pain in the teeth caused by contact, or sensations such as hot or cold, sweet or sour foods, or brushing.
It is a complaint that is common in patients with dental problems.
Possible causes include the aging of fillings in teeth, broken teeth, tooth decay, wrong toothbrush use and wrong tooth brushing techniques. Inflammation in the gums can also cause tingling. Bleeding can as well.
What To Do for Tingling Sensation In The Teeth

Tingling sensation in the teeth – What should be done for tingling in the tooth?
We mentioned that the reason for tingling sensations is that the individual’s tooth structure is very sensitive.
Especially in recent years, due to the increase in fast and unhealthy eating habits, teeth are extremely susceptible to fractures and decay.
Before these breakages and decays begin, the most obvious discomfort in the tooth structure appears as tingling.
First of all, it is useful to talk to your dentist before trying anything major to relieve the discomfort at home. One thing you can do at home in the meantime is gargling with carbonated water.
Another method is to put mint leaves where there is a tingling. Due to the essence, it contains, peppermint can relieve the pain, aching and swelling.
Another herb that is known to relieve swelling and pain is anise. Anise causes numbness in the teeth due to its fragrance and essence.
Due to this numbness, the pain and swelling of the tooth disappear. It is beneficial to pay attention to the consumption of starch-like carbohydrates because these are the types of food that most spoil the mouth and teeth structure of individuals.
It is known that mouth and tooth decay can quickly worsen if not closely monitored.
When you first notice the tingling sensation, it will be useful to have a specialist examine your mouth. When the cause of your toothache is known, a treatment program is prepared accordingly.
Your dentist will prepare and apply the most appropriate treatment for you. Treatment can be supported with soft toothbrushes, appropriate brushing techniques, and flossing.
Caries should be treated first with fillings or a root canal treatment.
What Kind of Diseases Can a Tingling Feeling Be a Symptom of?
According to research, individuals want their pain and aches to be relieved with instant improvements. But it is vital to learn the truth behind the tingling in your teeth.
Because many individuals do not pay enough attention to tooth tingling and experience tooth loss after a while.
Tingling can be a symptom of gum tenderness. After the pain is gone, the person should consume foods suitable for tooth sensitivity.
And the routine cleaning of teeth should not be neglected. If there are aches and pains in only a certain area during the consumption of cold water or other foods, tooth decay may be the cause.
Before waiting for the tooth to become inflamed, you must immediately go to the dentist. If the necessary precautions are not taken, it will be inevitable that the teeth will need to be extracted after a while.
Does Daily Oral Care Eliminate the Problem?
Depending on the degree of the problem, regular and correct oral care can eliminate the problem.
However, we recommend that you first be examined by a dentist for possible problems.
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