Let’s Learn How to Lower Eye Pressure
Glaucoma, also known as “eye pressure,” is a common eye disease that usually progresses without symptoms. It can occur at any age, but, since it is more common in patients over 40, these patients should undergo eye pressure control once a year.
Those who have high eye pressure in their family should be checked more frequently.
Many patients do not have any symptoms. In the early period, some patients may experience symptoms such as headaches that worsen in the morning, blurred vision, light rings around lights at night, and pain around the eyes while watching television.
Some factors trigger eye pressure. While it is possible to eliminate some causes, there is no solution for others. Let’s examine the conditions that caused this ailment to occur:
- Anemia
- Diabetes
- Being over the age of 40
- Visual disturbances
- Migraine
- Eye injury
- Genetic factors
- Long-term cortisone use
- Blood pressure disease
What Should Those With Eye Pressure
Not Do?
People with eye pressure have to make some changes in their lives. Here are the things you need to pay attention to improve the quality of vision:
- You should not continue to use television and phone for long.
- If your eye pressure is caused by anemia, you should pay attention to your diet. You should consume foods that balance blood sugar.
- You should avoid salty and fried foods.
- You should avoid consuming sugary and fatty foods.
How to Lower Eye Pressure
1. Spinach

How to lower eye pressure with spinach
Spinach is a vegetable that contains vitamin C and antioxidants. Its benefits include lowering blood pressure.
It is recommended that those with eye pressure diseases consume spinach regularly. You can also have healthy meals with spinach juice.
2. Flax Seeds
Flax seeds are one of the most beneficial foods. People with a diagnosis of eye pressure are recommended to consume flaxseed frequently.
If you wish, you can control eye pressure by swallowing a teaspoon of flax seeds. You can add it to your salads or yogurt if you wish.
3. Onion Juice
Another way to reduce the pressure inside the eye is to drink onion juice. Due to the antibiotic effect of onion juice, eye pressure is controlled and vision is strengthened.
4. Organic Hot Pepper
Hot pepper performs cell repair in patients with eye pressure. Protecting the body’s immune system, hot pepper will also help heal eye damage.
5. Cassidony (Lavandula Stoechas)
Lavandula Stoechas is a medicinal herb. When boiled and consumed as herbal tea, it reduces eye pressure.
You can balance your eye pressure by drinking a cup of Lavandula Stoechas daily.
6. Broad Beans
Broad beans are an extremely healthy food that benefits many human organs and has healing properties.
They are also effective in reducing eye pressure if consumed regularly and correctly. Therefore, people with eye pressure problems should consume broad beans regularly.
7. Black Cumin
You can consume cumin seed on cheese and yogurt or chew a teaspoon of black cumin every morning.
If you do this regularly, you will keep your eye pressure in balance. In some cases, excessive consumption of black cumin can cause some negative effects on the body. Therefore, be careful not to consume more than a spoonful a day.
8. Tomatoes
Tomato is a food that has great benefits for human health. Tomato also has many benefits for eye pressure. It is recommended to consume tomatoes regularly, especially for the treatment of eye pressure.
Likewise, regularly consuming sufficient amounts of tomato juice is perfect for lowering eye pressure.
However, tomato is also a food that should not be consumed excessively because it is known that tomatoes cause some allergies in some people.
9. Lemon Balm Tea
This herbal tea controls blood flow and relaxes vessels. It is recommended for eye pressure.
If you have eye pressure, it is recommended to regularly consume lemon balm tea in the amount required by your body.
10. Turmeric
Due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric will play an active role in treating your eye pressure.
You can use turmeric in your meals as a spice or consume it once a day by mixing a teaspoon of honey with a teaspoon of turmeric.
See Also:
Signs of EyeSight Problems in a Child

As a nutritionist, I research, find and experiment with recipes, natural diets and meal plans for weight loss, bodybuilding, and detoxing.