How to Drink Apple Cider Vinegar?

How to Drink Apple Cider Vinegar How to Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar, also called ACV, is made from apples, sugar, and yeast. It has been utilized as a cure for germs for many years.

Newer studies credit apple cider vinegar with more health benefits, such as regulating blood glucose levels and helping with weight loss. While there isn’t a lot of research backing this claim, ACV is relatively harmless, so you can enjoy it.

But how much ACV should you take and when should you take it? This review will address these concerns and list some of the advantages of apple cider vinegar.

Which Types of ACV Are Available in The Market

How to Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

How to Drink Apple Cider Vinegar – Types of ACV Available in The Market

Most apple cider vinegar available in grocery stores is clear because it has been filtered. But you can also find unfiltered ACV with a cloudy residue known as ‘mother.’

Some people believe that most of the benefits of ACV are in the mother, but no studies are available yet to back these claims.

Apple cider vinegar is also available in gummies, powders, or tablets. Whether or not these products offer the same benefits as ACV still lingers because the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) doesn’t regulate nutritional supplements.

How Should You Drink ACV?

Add ACV to Green Tea

Make a cup of green tea and add a splash of cold water to cool it down. Then pour two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and stir the mixture. You can have this ACV-infused drink in the morning in place of coffee or tea.

Add ACV to Lemon Juice

You can make an ACV tonic by adding apple cider vinegar to lemon juice. Add two tablespoons of ACV to a glass (250ml) of lemon juice to make the tonic.

The benefit of adding ACV to lemon juice is that you won’t notice the murky taste, but you’ll still get all the well-being benefits of ACV and lemon juice. If you find this tonic a bit bitter, you can sweeten it with a tablespoon or two of honey.

Add ACV to Water

Add one or two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass (250ml) of water. Drinking concentrated ACV can corrode your teeth’ enamel and damage the esophagus.

Some people like to add a sweetener like honey, monk fruit, or stevia to this mix to make it drinkable. But over time, you should get used to the slightly sour flavor.

Cinnamon ACV Drink

Add one teaspoon of cinnamon to a cup with hot water. Allow the mixture to cool, and then add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and some honey to taste. It’s worth noting that cinnamon helps regulate blood sugar levels.

Ginger ACV Drink

An excellent alternative to the cinnamon ACV drink is adding a few slices of fresh ginger or a tablespoon of ginger powder to a cup of hot water. Then add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and some honey to taste.

When Should You Drink ACV?

How to Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

How to Drink Apple Cider Vinegar – When Should You Drink ACV?

Before Meals

Drinking an apple cider vinegar drink before meals can help curb your appetite. It can also help with the breakdown of carbs preventing blood sugar spikes.

One study by confirmed that people who ate while drinking an apple cider vinegar mix felt full quickly due to vinegar’s acidity.

Before Sleeping at Night

You can also have an apple cider vinegar mix for about one hour before going to bed. Doing this lowers your risk of acid reflux or indigestion after sleeping.

In The Morning

Perhaps the best way to drink apple cider vinegar is in the morning. As a matter of fact, you can take ACV in place of your morning coffee or tea. The benefit of doing this is that ACV can help provide you with gut-friendly bacteria.

How Much ACV Should You Drink Per Day?

Knowing how much apple cider vinegar you should drink in a day is essential. While apple cider vinegar isn’t harmful, it’s never a good idea to drink a lot.

So how much should you drink in a day? A standard apple vinegar mix should have between one and two teaspoons of ACV. However, you can have a glass of apple cider vinegar mixed in the morning and another before sleeping, so four tablespoons max.

It’s recommended that when making an apple cider vinegar mix, you start with one tablespoon; if there are no side effects, you can add two tablespoons.

What Are the Potential Benefits of ACV?

Anti-Bacterial Properties

ACV is renowned for its anti-bacterial properties. In ancient times, apple cider vinegar was used to disinfect wounds and surfaces. But nowadays, people drink it to kill pathogens such as bacteria in the gut. ACV can also help with preserving foods for a longer.

Blood Sugar Regulation

If you have a problem with your blood sugar, apple cider vinegar can help regulate it. The acetic acid in ACV slows down digestion, preventing blood sugar spikes.

Prevents Bad Breath

Bad breath is embarrassing, and even if you brush your teeth properly in the morning, chances are that you might have bad breath by the end of the day. A quick fix for this problem is drinking ACV because it kills the bacteria causing you to have bad breath.

Sound Sleep

Sound sleep is important regardless of age, and this is a problem for many people. If you have trouble sleeping or wake up several times a night, an apple cider vinegar mix can help you get about eight hours of sleep at night.

Weight Loss

Numerous studies have found that apple cider vinegar can help burn belly fat. The acetic acid in ACV can curb your appetite, slow digestion, and reduce fat deposits in your belly.

Therefore, if you’re on a mission to lose weight, you can do so with apple cider vinegar. It’s worth noting that drinking too much ACV can cause acid reflux.

In conclusion, that’s how and when to drink apple cider vinegar. As you can see, there are various types of apple cider vinegar products you can take, all with numerous health benefits.

However, drinking too much ACV can bring about problems like tooth enamel erosion.

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