Mommy Makeover Recovery Time

mommy makeover recovery time mommy makeover recovery time

Mommy Makeover Recovery Time – Overview

Mommy makeover is a term used to describe a set of cosmetic surgical procedures that are used to correct any physical changes that occur in women who have undergone childbirth and breastfeeding.

It usually consists of a breast procedure and a tummy tuck but can also include liposuction, vaginal rejuvenation, thigh lift, arm lift, and buttock augmentation. Thus, helping women regain smoother, tighter body shape and restore breasts to their natural position.


The recovery period will vary depending on the number and the type of surgeries performed. It usually takes 7-10 days to recover, while complete recovery will take weeks to months. Recovery from the most common individual procedures are below:

Tummy Tuck

Drainage tubes will be placed under your skin to prevent fluid accumulation and allow the incisions to heal properly. These tubes will be removed either a week or two weeks post-surgery. It is best to avoid showering or making the area wet during this period.

You will be kept in the hospital for 24 hours for monitoring purposes. Pain, swelling, and bruising are common after the procedure.

The majority of swelling should decrease after six weeks, and you will be prescribed with pain-medications to relieve pain.

You will be given to wear pressure garments, which should be worn for three weeks. Medications to prevent infection at the incision site will be prescribed to you.

You will be able to return to daily activities and light workouts two weeks after the procedure.

However, you should always consult with your surgeon before resuming any demanding physical activity.

Complete recovery and the final result can be appreciated after six months.

Breast procedures

Breast lift
Dressings or bandages will be applied at the incision site after the procedure is completed. You’ll need to wear an elastic bandage or supportive bra for at least six weeks to help in the rehabilitation process as well as your breast.

A small, thin drainage tube will be placed under the skin to drain any excess blood or fluid that gets collected.

You should take at least two weeks off from work. You should be able to resume most activities two weeks postoperatively and physical exercises four weeks post-operatively.

It usually takes 6 to 12 weeks for the breasts to achieve their final shape.

Breast Augmentation

You’ll feel pain, numbness, and swelling in the operated region right after surgery. The majority of swelling will subside after three to four weeks but expect swelling to last for up to three months.

While numbness can last up to six months or more after the procedure. The dressing will be applied at the incision site and you’ll have to wear a compression garment for at least six weeks post-operatively.

You’ll need to take two weeks off of work and abstain from any stressful physical activity for at least six weeks. Complete recovery can take anywhere from six to eight weeks post-surgery.


Bandages and compression garments will be applied over the incision sites and surrounding areas and surgical drains to drain out any excess fluid or blood build-up under the skin will also be placed.

The dressings will remain in place for a week but you can still shower despite the dressings. Compression garments must be worn for the next six weeks.

You will have to take leave from work for a few days, depending on the severity of the treatment.

Tenderness, bruising, and swelling are common after the surgery. Pain medications, anti-inflammatory drugs, and antibiotics needed to help you manage common conditions will be prescribed to you.

You will have to meet the surgeon for follow-ups and have stitches removed to ensure the healing process is going properly.

Normal work can be resumed two weeks after the surgery, but this is individual-specific; however, it can take several months to completely recover from the surgery and to see the complete results.

Arm lift

Immediately after the surgery, there will be discomfort, bruising, and swelling. The results can be immediately seen but the desired outcome will be seen only after the swelling completely recedes.

Generally, most people will recover two weeks after an arm lift. You should keep your arms raised to control the post-operative swelling, and only restricted arm movements are advised during the initial few days.

After the procedure, you should not be driving and lifting heavy objects for up to two to four weeks. You will have to wear a compression bandage for up to six weeks post-operatively as this bandage helps lessen bruising and swelling, making your rehabilitation easier.

There will be scarring which will be made as inconspicuous as possible, which will eventually fade with time.

However, you should avoid smoking during this period, as it not only delays your recovery time but also makes your scar thick and less aesthetic.

The results obtained from the procedure should be long-lasting but they can be compromised by various factors like weight gain and the effect of aging.
